Tuesday, June 9, 2009

summer is over and there are etc things more

i can't believe that summer has finally end i'm starting my 4th year life my gosh!!
i don't want to believe it! and particularly i've noticed something about myself
i have become less talkative, around my friends but how come not with melgie and ate=)
or even amulek=) im not very talkative with guys especially with GUYS=)
but then again i think that's part of growing up don't you think=)
well the worst part is im having foot aches hahahahahaha
i don't know if that is the right term to be used=)
i weelllll the good part is i have my allowance and i can buy lod and call my friends
im not using my smart anymore even though i don't have a lot of textmates
in my globe its not the network its the textmates that counts well thats a new saying
don't you think hahahahahahahahahaha
and here is the more shocking news i belong to the first section
and i wonder why other people don't seem to think that this news is shocking!
well i'll give you my point of view
they have sooooooo much faith in me that i'm beginning
to feel the pressure and beginning to freak out
they have so much faith in my abilities and my brain
while i have total zero confidence=(
that is not good right?
what is gonna happen to me????
anyone got a clue?

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