Thursday, June 18, 2009

the story of a girl

she has friends or so she thought they were
and she wants them to like her she is trying so hard to please them
she wants people to like her.
she wants people to love her, but then they only see her as just another bother in the life
a crap that needs to be disposed and though she wants them they never liked her.
she blames herself for the things she never did although she
knows it was not her fault she blames herself,
she was never treated special, she describes herself as NOBODY
she has difficulty forgiving herself and she pities herself for not giving her all
to her friends, or at least that is what she calls them.
Everybody thinks she is something at the beginning but when they get to know her
they'll now how crap what she really is=(
and you know what more
she hates herself for being such a crap in their life
she wishes to dispose herself and would gladly
thank whoever the person who'll end it up for her
let me introduce you the GIRL

yours truly,
Lisha=( shocked? don't be it's what i feel or should i say what i see=(

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