Tuesday, June 23, 2009

what would like to be?

so theres this question in this movie=) would you like to be a friendless looser? or would you like to have friends who secretly hate you? if you ask me i'd rather be a friendless looser, know why? cause if i do have friends who secretly hate me it just like making a fool of myself and saying like i'm the worst looser ever, and like duh im use to working alone anyway, i never got use to you know working in groups, i found out i can discover more of myself in working alone than working with partners and that way i can't also blame someone else if i get mistakes. wanna know what else i do feel like i'm a friendless looser even though i do have friends, i don't know why i feel so bad about myself, like i don't have self-confidence and i pity myself and i don't even know or feel if someone really likes me=)
at least i know people can laugh around me, but the worst part is i have friends who
i think never have been happy around me like they keep secrets or they
back-bite me.... well that is terrible i know, and the good part is
i don't care like for all i care is improving myself
like maybe boost my confidence or maybe
overcome my bad babble mouth who can't control
when it starts talking at least now I'm mindful of what i say
or before i say it=) that is a total major improvement like if i succeed i would
totally give myself a pat in the back like that would be a great accomplishment
since like I'm a blabber mouth since i was a kid and it would be
a great thing if i overcome it now!
and maybe i could be you know more friendly to anybody
or maybe smile all the time so i can be approachable and you know try not
to scare people away but i think i can't help it if i don't know people that
well i raise my defenses like i'll be saying like ooooopss new people around
and i don't want people to get to know me like nobody has ever been really close
to me to know everything about me, cause im totaly careful not to
give in myself cause i believe that the more the person knows you the more
she or he will know how to hurt you and how yo use you
or even cheat on you, that is why i keep somethings to myself like i don't want to be cheated
or anything, worst i don't want to humiliate myself..
so guess thats all for today people good night.

hamelisham signing of=)♥♥

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