Friday, May 22, 2009

my changes and who is behind it

hello guys i guess i'm back
well you now i want to introduce to you my bff
well not likely introduce but share to you
what i like to them and what i saw in them that i can say they are my bff
well first they gave no they influenced me greatly
and when i say greatly i mean a great deal=)
well before i went to this summer vacation i was such a bad kid
i don't do my personal progress (for those who are latter-day saints, they will know what a personal progress is) and worst my mom scolds me just to make me
feed the dogs and i keep frowning and i don't pray like the individual
prayer and scripture study and i keep bickering my sister
well now that i have returned well now i can see a big change in me
i don't frown now and i do my chores without being told and i do my personal progress and i pray and read the scriptures...
see the big difference and i don't know if my friends can read this but if they do
i want them to know that they have influenced and changed my life for the better and i like the new me,
thanks to them well they are the main reason actually and i love them thanks
well now i am going to mention their names so that you can also know who
im talking about well their names are Hanah and Melgie=)

signing off

music jams_lisha=)

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