Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Everything was a lie part1

Let me tell you a story about a girl who met a boy and fall for him.
my story begins on a one summer day she was invited to see the dance and dress rehearsal
of her church friends and then he saw the guy(we'll name him Ham)
and so she looked at him and realized he was cute and handsome
but that was it and so the girl(we'll name her Sham)
was approached by the guy whom she knew for so long (also he had a crush on her)
they talked about favorite singers and bands and when Sham looked at Ham he
was already covering his face with his cowboy hat which was weird coz he looked so
happy and the next thing he was sooo down but the girl did not mind maybe she thought
it was the dance practice that was tiring him so fast so she threw her attention back
to her friend.
and so the time came when Sham needed to go home and Ham asked you know
german language right? and with puzzled eyes Sham nodded and added a smile so Ham
continued to say that he had this book which was given by him by his uncle in germany
it was a comic book but it was in german language and he said maybe you could learn more.
the girl gladly accepted the comic book and then they parted ways.
The day came that they both are going to this activity hosted by the church and so Sham rode on the 2nd bus and she saw Ham with the friend she new (the boy who had a crush on her lets name him Alt) and she looked at them with suspicion thinking what could they be doing
riding on the same bus as she was but then she dismissed the thought and proceed to being
silent since she was new in the group.
So the activity went well and after three days they are now ready to go home and Sham was already again getting ready to climb aboard into the ship to an out of town activity with the church members she knew and then while she was aboard the ship Alt started to
express his feelings for Sham but Sham had better things in mind so she turned him down.
-To Be Continued-

Saturday, February 6, 2010

my life being more complicated than ever

well im not surprise how my life turned out to be
upside down and no wonder no one is ever gonna stick out for me
and no matter how i wanted things could be easier for people who are around me
i can't cause even i don't know how to make my life living easier
i don't even know if i can even call this life when it's like a hell
why do i make things complicated?
why can't i make it more easier and more lively?
i have made mistakes but so what we all make one?
right? i mean i don't even know if i can still make my way out of this
like i create mistakes after mistakes
and it makes me tired of solving it but im the one making them
get it?
its very complex?
and no wonder why cause i make them and i don't think first
i just do it and so i create things beyond my power
to repair.=(
life isn't fair you know
like i think im all alone like i was never ever going to have someone
beside me like im born to be alone=(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My whole life

i dont know why i hate my life so much,
like i wanted to be someone else
i wanted people to like me,
(yeah right like i haven't been doing anything i can to like me)
i wanted them to treat me like they treat others
you know like trust me, love me care for me
that's the biggest problem i have ever
because i give my trust to everybody
(even give second chances)
and all they do is waste it
i never even ask anything in return
but they wanted me to prove myself
like damn they!!!
Do they helly know how I am tired of proving myself to them!
but all they'll say is we never ask you to prove something to us!
Hell they don't!!!
Crap!!!! and im spoiling them like i give them everything they ever want
and tall they doooooo! is what?!!!
waste it and not even thanking me!
everything i hear about the sayings is true!
Like don't give too much love to someone because it'll create an incurable
pain, when they leave you.
and i don't even know why i still stick up with them!
i hate this life!
i just want to be someone who they'll like, trust and love!
but like what they say be yourself
like how the hell! am i going to be myself when they hate who I am!
and mind you i am so sick of the word sorry!!1
I hear it everytime!!1
and especially from the boy i love!
now i'm even tired of loving him!!!
why am i loving him anyway!!!!
im tired of understanding him!
but wait
this is suppose to be all about my friends
now i'm talking about him
oh but anyway
we are not officially together
so his consider as my friend!
weeeeelll guess that's just the beginning of having one
hell of a life!!!!

Signing out

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

school time

my days in school are fun hectic and really stressing me out
specially not that im on my senior year=)
can't believe im going to college next year. weelll im missing my friends in malaybalay already
and well im not sure about my lovelife right now its not a promising story=)
guess thats all for today im in a hurry actually=)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

honesty? whatev!!!

you told me you were honest with me,
you said that you would always be honest with me, and here
i am trusting you blindly like i never trusted anyone.
What did i get in return?! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you told me you love me, how could you expect me to believe the words you
just said when you lied to me!!! you could have told me that you were not able recover from the blow i gave you!!!!
OKAY i admit i hurt you but only because i was honest to you but not to myself
you see, i was afraid to admit to myself that i have fallen deeply inlove with you,
and now look what i'm doing i'm pushing you away from me because i know i was never
the ideal girl for you and for the record if you really loved me or if you ever did!
you would have been honest to me in everything!!!!!!!
so you were never honest with me that leaves me like????
OH i SEE STUPID for falling for the trap!!!!!!
honesty?????!!!!! WHATEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

what would like to be?

so theres this question in this movie=) would you like to be a friendless looser? or would you like to have friends who secretly hate you? if you ask me i'd rather be a friendless looser, know why? cause if i do have friends who secretly hate me it just like making a fool of myself and saying like i'm the worst looser ever, and like duh im use to working alone anyway, i never got use to you know working in groups, i found out i can discover more of myself in working alone than working with partners and that way i can't also blame someone else if i get mistakes. wanna know what else i do feel like i'm a friendless looser even though i do have friends, i don't know why i feel so bad about myself, like i don't have self-confidence and i pity myself and i don't even know or feel if someone really likes me=)
at least i know people can laugh around me, but the worst part is i have friends who
i think never have been happy around me like they keep secrets or they
back-bite me.... well that is terrible i know, and the good part is
i don't care like for all i care is improving myself
like maybe boost my confidence or maybe
overcome my bad babble mouth who can't control
when it starts talking at least now I'm mindful of what i say
or before i say it=) that is a total major improvement like if i succeed i would
totally give myself a pat in the back like that would be a great accomplishment
since like I'm a blabber mouth since i was a kid and it would be
a great thing if i overcome it now!
and maybe i could be you know more friendly to anybody
or maybe smile all the time so i can be approachable and you know try not
to scare people away but i think i can't help it if i don't know people that
well i raise my defenses like i'll be saying like ooooopss new people around
and i don't want people to get to know me like nobody has ever been really close
to me to know everything about me, cause im totaly careful not to
give in myself cause i believe that the more the person knows you the more
she or he will know how to hurt you and how yo use you
or even cheat on you, that is why i keep somethings to myself like i don't want to be cheated
or anything, worst i don't want to humiliate myself..
so guess thats all for today people good night.

hamelisham signing of=)♥♥

Sunday, June 21, 2009

i don't know why?

hey guys guess im back but i don't have mushc to say today,
all i can say is im not inlove with this boy but then
i miss him, i don't know but since after summer our communication
got a little out, he rarely texts me and he does not call me sunday in the evening
it's like his given up on me, well i won't be surprised because
nobody can stand my harshness=)
i don't know, maybe he found someone new i won't be surprise either because
i'm totally no that special=) and im totally not that beautiful and smart=) so no big deal
its just that i miss him that's all