Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My whole life

i dont know why i hate my life so much,
like i wanted to be someone else
i wanted people to like me,
(yeah right like i haven't been doing anything i can to like me)
i wanted them to treat me like they treat others
you know like trust me, love me care for me
that's the biggest problem i have ever
because i give my trust to everybody
(even give second chances)
and all they do is waste it
i never even ask anything in return
but they wanted me to prove myself
like damn they!!!
Do they helly know how I am tired of proving myself to them!
but all they'll say is we never ask you to prove something to us!
Hell they don't!!!
Crap!!!! and im spoiling them like i give them everything they ever want
and tall they doooooo! is what?!!!
waste it and not even thanking me!
everything i hear about the sayings is true!
Like don't give too much love to someone because it'll create an incurable
pain, when they leave you.
and i don't even know why i still stick up with them!
i hate this life!
i just want to be someone who they'll like, trust and love!
but like what they say be yourself
like how the hell! am i going to be myself when they hate who I am!
and mind you i am so sick of the word sorry!!1
I hear it everytime!!1
and especially from the boy i love!
now i'm even tired of loving him!!!
why am i loving him anyway!!!!
im tired of understanding him!
but wait
this is suppose to be all about my friends
now i'm talking about him
oh but anyway
we are not officially together
so his consider as my friend!
weeeeelll guess that's just the beginning of having one
hell of a life!!!!

Signing out

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