Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Everything was a lie part1

Let me tell you a story about a girl who met a boy and fall for him.
my story begins on a one summer day she was invited to see the dance and dress rehearsal
of her church friends and then he saw the guy(we'll name him Ham)
and so she looked at him and realized he was cute and handsome
but that was it and so the girl(we'll name her Sham)
was approached by the guy whom she knew for so long (also he had a crush on her)
they talked about favorite singers and bands and when Sham looked at Ham he
was already covering his face with his cowboy hat which was weird coz he looked so
happy and the next thing he was sooo down but the girl did not mind maybe she thought
it was the dance practice that was tiring him so fast so she threw her attention back
to her friend.
and so the time came when Sham needed to go home and Ham asked you know
german language right? and with puzzled eyes Sham nodded and added a smile so Ham
continued to say that he had this book which was given by him by his uncle in germany
it was a comic book but it was in german language and he said maybe you could learn more.
the girl gladly accepted the comic book and then they parted ways.
The day came that they both are going to this activity hosted by the church and so Sham rode on the 2nd bus and she saw Ham with the friend she new (the boy who had a crush on her lets name him Alt) and she looked at them with suspicion thinking what could they be doing
riding on the same bus as she was but then she dismissed the thought and proceed to being
silent since she was new in the group.
So the activity went well and after three days they are now ready to go home and Sham was already again getting ready to climb aboard into the ship to an out of town activity with the church members she knew and then while she was aboard the ship Alt started to
express his feelings for Sham but Sham had better things in mind so she turned him down.
-To Be Continued-