Wednesday, July 1, 2009

honesty? whatev!!!

you told me you were honest with me,
you said that you would always be honest with me, and here
i am trusting you blindly like i never trusted anyone.
What did i get in return?! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you told me you love me, how could you expect me to believe the words you
just said when you lied to me!!! you could have told me that you were not able recover from the blow i gave you!!!!
OKAY i admit i hurt you but only because i was honest to you but not to myself
you see, i was afraid to admit to myself that i have fallen deeply inlove with you,
and now look what i'm doing i'm pushing you away from me because i know i was never
the ideal girl for you and for the record if you really loved me or if you ever did!
you would have been honest to me in everything!!!!!!!
so you were never honest with me that leaves me like????
OH i SEE STUPID for falling for the trap!!!!!!
honesty?????!!!!! WHATEV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!